Monday, July 26, 2010

The Giver has taught me...

"All of us are bound to face multiple challenges and hardships in life,
and sometimes we complain about life not being fair. Living in Singapore with such a competitive education system undoubtedly adds on to these great challenges that most of us have to face as well. It is no doubt that many of us struggle to meet the high expectations of our parents who have invested huge amounts to enable us to further our education and as a result, many of us, myself included are inclined to grumble and think that life is simply not fair for us.

However, as I was reading The Giver, I realized how fortunate we actually
are to live in our present environment as compared to Jonas’s society. In Jonas’s society, the people are protected from any form of pain or hardship and lead rather controlled lives, where they have no choices on how they want to lead their lives.

Almost everything the people in The Giver’s society do is controlled and not
theirs to decide,even to the extent of them not being able to choose their own Assignments and their own spouses. This in my opinion, does not allow the people to think for themselves and causes them to indulge in the ”comfort” of ignorance.

In such a society, the people are not allowed to make mistakes as everything is chosen for them. Consequently, the people are not given the opportunity to pay for the consequences of their mistakes and learn from them. I think it truly is very sad That the simple joy of overcoming hardships or actually even by making the right choices are taken away from them. In such a community, I really wonder how the people live through such meaningless lives.

I feel that by reading The Giver, I have also learnt to appreciate the lessons from
the challenges that we face in life. By enduring such hardships, I believe that we are better able to handle the balls that life throws at us and I feel this makes us richer in our development as a whole.

It is also by reading The Giver that I have come to realize the beauty that creation offers,such as colours. In the hustle and bustle of life, I feel that many of us fail to stop to appreciate these seemingly insignificant aspects of life and overlook them. I believe that all of us should start to recognise all these simple pleasures of life because I feel thesen are the little factors that brings all the meaning to our lives"

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At July 28, 2010 at 5:16 AM , Blogger Alysia said...

I agree with what you said. I really started to appreciate the things I took for granted which had been around me for the past 14 years of my life after I finished reading the Giver.
I felt sorry for the people of Jonas's society, as they could not see colours, nor have the freedom of choice. More importantly, they could not have emotions like love, as there was a severe suppression of human emotions by the taking of the pills, and a sense of detachment used to refer to even the most intimate place--home.
After reading the Giver, I came to realise the beauty of such normal things, including things I took for granted in the past, like my parents, love, music and joy. Without those things, the world would not be the place we live in today.
These factors, no matter how small or insignificant they seem, play a major role in our lives, even without ourselves realising it. Other than focusing on our studies, we seem to have neglected things like friendship, honesty and other moral values, which play an equally important role.
Speaking of friendship, I really pitied Jonas, as there was a dilution of his friendship with Asher due to not only their Assignments, but also because of the Assignment Jonas received, as that set him apart from everyone else.
Therefore, after reading the Giver, I realised and learnt so many things I wouldn't have learned in other normal storybooks, and I can say that I really enjoyed the Giver thoroughly.
Nice description!:)

At July 29, 2010 at 9:30 AM , Blogger Nicola said...

Hey Alethea!

Like Alysia, I really agree with what you said. The Giver really left an impression on me after I finished the book. I learnt to appreciate the simple joys in life that we take fore-granted. After reading The Giver, I also saw how significant and valuable the concept of choice was. Before, choice was merely choice. Everybody could make their own decisions. That goes without saying. Therefore, I never took into consideration how different our society would be without the freedom of choice. I could never imagine a society where everything is already laid out and decided for you. It is as if you destiny has been already been planned and prepared when moment we enter this world. I could never live in a world like this. Shouldn't we have the right to make our OWN decisions for our OWN lives? Apparently not in Jonas's society.
Through this, I have really been able to see the beauty of choice and freedom and I really appreciate the society that we live in today for giving me that.



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